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Welcome To Vibershield Technologies!



Vibershield® is the original and exclusive pioneer in Organic Vibration Technologies/OVT . Our proprietary cutting edge technology regulates the body and provides a sense of wellness for both people and animals. The products are beautifully designed from the highest quality materials and are available in multiple Levels based upon organic purity.  

Vibershield products do not use or have any association with magnets, copper, or holograms. Vibershield® Technologies and Organic Vibration Technology/O.V.T.™ are registered and solely used by this company. 


At Vibershield®, we offer high-quality wellness products that are suffused with Organic Vibration Technology/O.V.T. designed to reinforce the natural homeostasis.  The human body is able to intrinsically balance the complex world of internal and external vibrations and find its own equilibrium. Illness occurs when our biological vibrations become unbalanced and the equilibrium is disturbed.  Our mission is to help as many people as possible and promote wellness and better living.


To be healthy, an individual needs to have a high rate of vibration in their physical and vital body. This vibration is nourished in many ways including what we think, feel, see, hear, smell, touch, eat, drink, breathe, and are exposed to.  As an individual becomes ill, the rate of vibration lowers.  As the rate of vibration lowers, the individual becomes more susceptible to other negative energies and toxins and the cycle of poor health becomes self-perpetuating.

Many internal factors affect the oscillatory rate of the human body. It is well established that the resonant vibrations in the Earth's atmosphere directly line up with those of the human brain, cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems. While the man-made fields are disruptive to both humans and animals. Each and every cell, organ, and system has its own vibration which can as easily be affected as the needle of a compass. 

Many external factors affect the vibration rate of the human body.  We are bombarded with electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) that can influence the vibration rate of our physical and vital bodies.  Every household appliance, television set, smartphone, tablet, and computer is sending out these vibrations. Various electromagnetic grids that surround the Earth can also affect our bodies.

Customer Testimonies Report

Reduced Stress - More Energy - Greater Focus - Clarity - Restfulness - Flexibility - Athletic Performance - Chronic Pain - Joint Relief

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Vibershield Pet Study

Testimonial Photos

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Raynaud's Disease Before and After. (see below testimony from Teri Hall)


I have to give you a testimonial!  I have a 3 lb. Maltese named Tilli will be 15 this year.  A few weeks ago she began having seizures.  After a trip to the Vet, my  Tilli ended up on seizure meds. The Vet said it could be a neurological problem and that meds wouldn't help much.  My Maltese remained stumbly and unstable.  I put a ladies' 7-inch bracelet around her neck like a fit perfectly. 


She went upstairs this past weekend...something she hadn't done in over a year. She's barking and interacting with people, wanting to play, whereas previously she'd just been sleeping.  My son even noticed...he said, "what's up with Tilli?  She is acting like a young dog again."  I know she's still elderly, and I know I may not necessarily have more time with her, but one thing I do know is that her quality of life is better.  Vibershield is awesome!

            -Cindy C. 

I bought a Vibershield bracelet from a Dog Show, I've been wearing it for 2 weeks. I have noticed that I'm sleeping much better and longer. Also my pains and aches in my hands, feet are less. My Neuropathy is much better, the numbness is less noticeable. I've tried other types of bracelets and they don't work. I wish I have found this earlier. I would recommend this product for anyone who needs relief from everyday Aches and Pains.

-Lee A Busch MT/RMA LPN             

After attempting several different solutions for relief from my visual migraines without success, I found the Vibershield cuff. Within a few short hours my vision cleared, migraine disappeared, and they have not returned. From then on I also started experiencing the best sleep of my life. Minor aches from previous injuries started to completely fade away. I could not be happier with the Vibershield products, they have improved my quality of life tremendously! 


My name is Teri Hall and I have had Raynaud’s disease for many years. My fingers are affected and also my feet but not as severe. It has gotten progressively worse over the years. I have many predictable triggers that can send me into a Raynaud’s attack several times a week. I am not able to hold an iced drink, not able to handle changes in temperature from hot outside to cool air conditioning, sometimes even drinking an iced drink in an insulated cup will trigger it! It has as much to do with my hands getting cold as it does to do with feeling chilly in my body. My fingers burn, ache and turn yellow for anywhere from 10-30 minutes when I have an attack. It has been very uncomfortable and frustrating! I have had my vibershield bracelet now about 2 months and I’m THRILLED to report that I haven’t had a single attack since I put it on! It’s absolutely remarkable! I can’t recommend trying vibershield highly enough! Thank you Sheila for a great product.

- Teri Hall


I have been wearing the cuff since July and am very happy with the changes I have noticed. Before using the cuff, I was a complete insomniac but now sleep like the dead. I no longer want to nap in the middle of the day. I used to not be able to sleep in hotel rooms or unfamiliar surroundings, but that has all disappeared. I have traveled through several countries, been on planes, in cars, and on trains without any side effects. My migraines have not returned since using the Vibershield cuff, which is great because I was suffering from two or three episodes at a time on a very frequent basis. The fact that I have gone several months now migraine-free is worth every penny. I definitely was a skeptic, having never tried anything like the vibershield technology, but so far I couldn't be happier or more relieved that it has helped me!


I tried the product for 10 minutes and my tendinitis was relieved!

-Jess Arnold

I was introduced in January of 2013 at the P.G.A. Show in Florida. I love these products and they make a big difference, I recommend these to every Golf Professional out there. Vibershield has provided more energy, focus, and well-being in my daily experience. My name is Mike Reynolds and I am the PGA Pro at the Evansville Country Club.

             – Mike Reynolds, PGA Professional

I broke my neck back in the eighties, had neck surgery. Suffered a stroke and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease within 4 years. My balance was terrible and I was in constant pain. Since I bought the bracelet about three years ago my balance has improved by 90-100% and my pain reduced by I would say 50%. I was so impressed I came back in 3 days and bought 5 more for family members. I would recommend it to anyone!  P. S. I never take it off.

 – Larry Terrell

I encountered Vibershield at a horse expo. I was extremely skeptical that something like this was the real deal. I have Raynauds, Hashimotos ( a thyroid autoimmune disease), and allergies among other things. Shelia put a Vibershield temporary tattoo on me at the expo to try out. Honestly I forgot about it, during the expo. But after getting home late last night I found that even though it was extremely cold out I could still feel my fingers! They weren’t changing colors as they normally did. Even weirder I could feel the blood flowing into my fingers and they were still WARM! Which for someone who suffers from Raynauds that is CRAZY!  Not only that but I slept the entire night without my fingers going numb AND actually woke up without my nose being completely stuffed! I was shocked! I called not long after I woke up to purchase! Thank you Shelia for the temporary tattoo this experience had been amazing! I’m excited to see how else it can help me!

- Shannon Phillips

 I purchased a Vibershield Bracelet a couple of months ago. I have shown many people the effects of the bracelet.  None is greater than my father. He is a Vietnam Veteran and now due to his age, he uses a cane to walk. Last weekend we had a family getaway weekend at the shore. While I was down on the beach with my wife and kids, I let my father wear my Vibershield bracelet. He wore it till I got home. He said he was able to move around a lot easier. The next day he asked if he could wear it again. The way he asked was as if he was craving it. I let him wear it again.  By the end of the day, he was walking around without his cane. He has been wearing the Bracelet since that Sunday I gave it to him. And he is still getting around without relying on his cane.

-Jeramie Moore

I always wear the beautiful Vibershield silver bracelets and silver saddle tag while competing with my horse Dashing. In tough competition, for example here at WEF, Vibershield products give me an energetic lift, better focus, and help protect me in the often hectic horse show environment. In competition, I can concentrate better because of the support.

-Clementina Brown

I started wearing the bracelet after hearing what the product might be able to do for me.  I have anxiety and essential tremors and I feel strongly that both are helped greatly by wearing.   I haven’t had the bracelet off in 4 years.

I love the look of the jewelry and love the fact that it is attractive and also working in the background.   I want to help others experience the same thing here in North Carolina.

-Mary Ameling

Hello, I bought a necklace from you for my husband at the rodeo in Georgetown/Lexington. I thought I would contact you and let you know my skeptical husband felt substantial shoulder pain relief in the first week of wearing it. He's had it for two weeks now and his range of motion has already unbelievably. I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for making this possible.

- Nancy Rigg